Misconception 1: No pain means any Dental Check-Up is a waste:
Just because your teeth seem to be healthy and cause no signs of dental issue or a toothache doesn't imply that it is a smart thought to avoid seeing your dentist. You should visit your Dental Specialist two times every year for a check-up and dental cleaning to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and if any dental issue seems to arise during the check-ups are treated before they end up more painful. In many cases, tooth decay in its initial stages does not show the symptom of any pain since the decay still hasn’t reached the nerve under the tooth. Hence, regular dental check-ups are the must.
Misconception 2: Teeth whitening will damage the enamel:
This is a common myth that Teeth Whitening is completed by expelling the tooth enamel. But, the whitening process doesn’t harm the defensive layer of your teeth i.e. the enamel. It is justifiable to be mindful about the gels and lasers used with the Teeth Whitening process; however, there is no reason to stress about it since it is very safe and a quick procedure and do not damage the enamel whatsoever as the enamel is viewed as the hardest tissue in the human body, and won't be harmed by teeth whitening. City Dental Centre has the Best Dentist in Noida who provide safe, secure and affordable teeth whitening to give you a brighter and whiter smile.
Misconception 3: Oral Health isn’t related to Overall Health:
When you consider your teeth and gums, it's normal to believe that oral well being just influences dental health. But in reality, oral well being has been connected to a lot of serious health conditions such as heart illness, pregnancy difficulties, respiratory problems, dementia and cardiovascular health. One should remember that the teeth and mouth are a piece of your body. Oral health can be a good indicator of your general health and everyone should consider their dental health important rather than neglecting it.
Misconception 4: Tooth decay is caused by sugar:
We've all been told for our entire lives that sugar is the enemy of healthy teeth, prompting deterioration and causing tooth decay. However, this isn't the total truth with regards to the impacts of sugar on your teeth. The genuine issue with eating excessive sugar is the naturally occurring bacteria which build up in the mouth as the sucrose is separated for absorption, bringing about plaque development on teeth.
Misconception 5: Brushing is enough for healthy teeth:
While brushing teeth is vital to control the growth of plaque and oral bacteria development, it isn't sufficient. Dentists recommend flossing each day along with brushing. Flossing takes somewhat more time, but it cleans your teeth such that brushing can't do. By expelling the tiny food particles between your teeth, you'll have the capacity to forestall plaque development and decay gradually with time.
For any dental health queries and dental treatment, consult Dentist at City Dental Centre in Ghaziabad to help you determine effective solutions to all your dental problems.
Read our one more blog which is related to Why Oral Health is Important?
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