There are many myths associated with oral hygiene and dental health issues but there are some of them which you should must know to maintain a good oral hygiene. When you visit dental clinic regularly then there are chances that your dentist bust these myths. But before this if you are already looking for dentist in Noida or dental clinic in Delhi then we are always there as your oral hygiene companions and below are some myths that you should be aware of.
1. Only sweets cause cavities: Anything sticky which
stays in the mouth for a long time can cause an acidic environment in the
mouth, causing cavities. Preferably after a meal, you should at least gargle or
rinse with plain water, so that the layer formed on the teeth can be removed.
2. White teeth are healthy: Definitely white teeth are
healthy, but the impression that yellow teeth are unhealthy is wrong. Enamel
shade and thickness can vary from person to person which can give off a
different color other than white. White teeth are healthy but yellow teeth are
healthy too. If you feel teeth are too yellowish show it to your dentist.
3. Brushing harder is better: The
harder you brush, the more injury you are causing your teeth and your gums.
Harder brushing causes abrasions that cause sensitivity. In fact, you should
use a toothbrush with soft bristles and the brushing motion should be circular
or vertical and not horizontal.
4. Removing wisdom teeth affects your eyesight, memory: Due
to evolution in our eating habits, our jaws have become smaller hence there is
not enough place in our mouth to accommodate all the teeth, so sometimes they
come slanting and it causes problems to the adjacent teeth.
5. Bleeding gums is normal: Bleeding
gums could be indicative of other underlying conditions such as nutritional deficiencies
or diabetes and should not be ignored. If you are going through any of these
disease and is looking for dental clinic in Mayur Vihar specially then City
Dental Centre is absolutely the right place for you. Periodontitis which is a gum disease can lead
to teeth mobility and loss of teeth. They are also related to heart diseases
and can be avoided if proper oral hygiene is practiced.
6. Brushing suffices good oral health:
In addition to brushing twice a day, cleaning your gums by flossing and cleaning
your tongue with a tongue cleaner should be done. This is the bare minimum you
should be doing for good oral health.
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