Maintaining the health of your teeth and gums requires regular dental checkups. You should see the dentist at least once every six months, or as directed by your dental specialist. What happens during your dental appointment? A standard dental appointment consists of two parts: a checkup, or examination, and oral prophylaxis, or cleaning. During your dental examination, your dentist will look for cavities. Cavities between your teeth can be detected via X-rays. Your teeth will be inspected for plaque and tartar during the exam. Plaque is a bacterial covering that is visible and sticky which can harden and form tartar if not removed . Brushing or flossing will not eradicate tartar. Following that, your gums will be examined. The depth of the gaps between your teeth and gums will be measured using a special device. The crevices between the teeth are shallow when the gums are healthy. Gum disease can cause gaps between teeth to widen. The examination should also involve...